Thursday, August 30, 2012

Cast of Characters 1: Taking a Bath in the Cat's Water Dish

I have a very rambunctious 16 month  old named Lorelei, but everyone calls her Scoop.

She's the little girl who will unplug all your charging electronics, on the way to stealing your cup of soda, and ALL THE SNACKS. (Which she's not allowed to drink, of course, but she knows how to use a cup- silently)
She's the little skunk who follows you into the toilet to throw things she's scooped into the awesome-toilet-cyclone-flushing-water (TM).
She's the little mischievous punk who sneaks into the back to splash happily in the cat's water dish while you attempt to post on a blog (Yep, that one just happened.)
She's the little charmer that will snuggle next to you on the couch, provided you supply the pretzle sticks.
She's won her mommy and daddy's heart.

I've had people tell me I should childproof EVERYTHING (Looking at youuuuu, Mother-In-Law!), so she won't ever be able to get into anything or ever hurt herself being, well, herself.
I look around the room, realizing I'd have to get rid of just about everything- the house would be a prison cell. Besides, how is Scoop supposed to learn cause and effect if everything's covered in plastic wrap?
Hell, when I was a kid, all we had were outlet covers, (and ONLY after I attempted to stick a fork in one.) and I'm not too damaged yet, right? (Don't answer that one.)
I've had people say I should beat it out of her. I'd rather break my body after days of chasing after her chasing after the cat with a straw...than ever break her spirit.
Other suggestions pitched by my friends and family:
-Send her to a cat food company. (This has been tempting, but I don't believe cats would be interested.)
-Make her into violin strings. (Why are all these so violent?)
-Draft her into the military.
-Encase her in a giant bubble, like that one guy!

But at the end of the day.....
She's fine just the way she is, wallowing all over my laptop keyboard like a cat that giggles.

(I'll just whine about it  a lot.)

First Blog Post

I figured I needed practice writing, so here I am. I hope I can entertain people with the chaotic qualities of my life :3